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Loyalty Card
1.1 Loyalty Card Policy.
Get 2000 cashback on your second tour with us.
You can transfer your credit to your friends and family.
Lucky Draw for all loyal customers to get 1 day full cash back.
Note: You can only use at max of 2000 cashback back for every Trip/booking in which you have not used your previous credit.
You can use your cashback card within a period of 6 months.
Company reserves the right to refuse the issuance of balance rewards.
Only members can participate in competitions or lucky draws immediate family and friends may be referred.
The card all the time remains company property and must be used only by you only for the purpose contemplated by these terms and conditions.
Card is not transferable, but credit can be used by any friends and family.
Each promotion and competition will be subjected to individual terms and conditions which would be specified on the website.
1.2 Cash Redeem policy
Max 500 credit can be used at spending of 10,000
Max 1000 credit can be used at spending of 20,000
Max 2000 credit can be used at spending of 30,000
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Al-Burraq Technologies
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